
These are the schools I attended during my academic education. There
will be many stories posted about each of them. 

Bialik School

I went to this school from nursery and kindergarten through 1-8 grades. It was a small private school with half english and half hebrew classes. 

Midwood HS

I attended Midwood for my high school years. It was there that I accelerated in math and science. It is also where I first learned how to program.

Brooklyn College

I never matriculated at Brooklyn College. It was across the street from Midwood and I audited 3 software courses there (with permission). I hung out in their computer lab which had a PDP-11 and absorbed much before I went to MIT.


I call it the trade school on the Charles River. My grandfather called it "Moshe in Tuches", which is a great name for it! I crammed 4 years of school into 8 years. And I did learn a massive amount of stuff that I still use today.

And Tom Lehrer has the best line for the rest of my education:

    "Sliding down the razor blade of life"
