
Welcome to the my Machine!

Machine is the right word.  This blog will be comprised of core dumps of
my memory systems. It is not a true memoir as many stories will be
recent as well. It is called "A Long Strange Trip" as I have bounced all
around in my life and career and survived it all.

You won't find fancy css layouts or graphics here. I am a verbal person and content here will be text with some pictures here and there. You won't be able to listen or watch stuff here. You will have to actually read! Deal with it.

My goal here is to get this blog to go super-viral, monetize the hell
out of it and retire. Or maybe not. So help me by spreading the word of
this site to all your friends and enemies!

So welcome aboard! And fasten your seatbelts as I intend to make this a
bumpy ride!

Uri Guttman
